Reflect 2020
LIGHT IN THE DARKNESS: Christ illuminating our landscapes
The upcoming Reflect Conference planned for May 2020 has been cancelled due to the impact of COVID-19 in New Zealand. While disappointed, we understand it is absolutely necessary in light of current circumstances. As a community of healthcare professionals, we recognise the seriousness of the situation, and fully support our nation's efforts to respond to this threat. As a Christian community we echo the psalmist, 'God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.' (Psalm 46:1 NIV)
All registration fees will be repaid in full.
If you have any queries please contact [email protected]
Reflect 2020 is the national and regional conference of CMFnz and ICMDA Oceania, bringing together medical students and doctors from around New Zealand, Australia and the Pacific, to equip them for a life lived wholeheartedly for Christ.
In this conference we'll be exploring the landscapes we live and work in, inviting Christ to bring light to the ethical issues and challenges facing us as medical professionals in the twenty-first century. We're excited to have Professor John Wyatt joining us from the UK. He will be challenging and encouraging us as he shares from his medical and research background (see below for more details). We will also be invited to consider our work as part of the wider picture within the Oceania Region. As always there will be a wide range of interactive seminars, prayer, worship and fellowship with Christian colleagues and friends to enjoy.
15 May 7pm - 17 May 1pm
Keswick Christian Camp, 5 Cooper Avenue, Holdens Bay, Rotorua
Don't miss out on this amazing opportunity to gain wisdom and encouragement from medical professionals working in New Zealand, Australia and around the Pacific, and being equipped and refreshed to live and work wholeheartedly for Christ.
All are welcome to attend! Whether you are exploring who God is or have been a Christian for many years, whether you are an part of the CMFnz and ICMDA community or just interested in what we're about, whether you are a medical student, a doctor, a health professional or fascinated by the intersection between science/medicine and Christian faith, you will be inspired and refreshed by this weekend together.
Saline Process Training: 8.30am-5pm
Joining the Saline Training Course on Friday 15 May, you will learn how, as a Christian health professional, to integrate faith and practice, to be a workplace witness and to practice medicine in a way that addresses the needs of the whole person. If you would love to be more effective as salt and light for Christ in your work, and have a safe place to explore this, register for the pre-conference Saline Training Course as part of your Reflect Conference registration. If you want to attend Saline Training, but aren't able to stay for the conference, you can register here.
Saline registration includes the full-day workshop, lunch and workbook. Note that dinner is not provided at Keswick on the Friday, and if you're staying on for conference you will need to make your own dinner arrangements.
Graduate Doctors - $100
Students - $50
Non-medical/Retired/Pacific Island - $60
Oceania Gathering: 2pm-5pm, Friday 15 May
The Oceania Gathering provides you with a strategic opportunity to meet with Christian medical professionals from Australia, the Pacific and around New Zealand to connect, encourage and collaborate to support each other better. Dr Michael Burke (the ICMDA Oceania Regional Secretary), Dr Peter Saunders (the Chief Executive Officer of ICMDA) and Hedwin Kadrianto (the Associate Executive Officer of ICMDA for South East Asia and Oceania) will all be contributing. Sign up to learn, share, listen, contribute and pray.
Graduates - $60
Students - $30
Non-medical/Retired/Pacific Island - $40
Explore the site below to learn more about Reflect 2020:
rates, speakers, the programme, seminars and more!
* All CMFnz Members are eligible for a 10% discount on conference registrations *
This discount will be processed as a refund after the conference. Contact [email protected] to check if your membership is current or click here to become a member of CMFnz.
Conference Package - Early bird rates are valid up to 15th April 2020
Graduate doctors
Including shared bunk room accommodation - Early bird: $395 / Full rate: $430
No accommodation - Early bird: $275 / Full rate: $310
Including shared bunk room accommodation - Early bird: $110 / Full rate: $145
No accommodation - Early bird: $95 / Full rate: $120
Travel subsidies for CMFnz student members are available - please contact [email protected] for an application form
Non-medical/Retired/Pacific Island
Including shared bunk room accommodation - Early bird: $295 / Full rate $330
No accommodation - Early bird: $195 / Full rate $230
All package rates include full access to CMFnz Reflect 2020 from Friday at 7pm until 1pm on Sunday.
Breakfast, lunch and dinner is provided on the Saturday; breakfast and lunch is included on the Sunday - note that Friday dinner is not provided, and your own Friday dinner arrangements will need to be made. Special dietary needs can be catered for.
If you choose a package with accommodation included, a fitted sheet, pillow and pillow slip are provided for you. You can choose 'linen' as an extra when registering to have full bedding and a towel provided (for $22.75), or you will need to bring your own sleeping bag/duvet and towel with you.
Day Rates
Graduate doctors
$150 (Saturday only, includes lunch, no dinner or accommodation)
$100 (Sunday only, includes lunch, no accommodation)
$50 (Saturday only, includes lunch, no dinner or accommodation)
$50 (Sunday only, includes lunch, no accommodation)
Non-medical/Retired/Pacific Island
$100 (Saturday only, includes lunch, no dinner or accommodation)
$75 (Sunday only, includes lunch, no accommodation)
Childcare will be available on Saturday 16th May 2020
Please email [email protected] for more information about how to register your child/children for meals, accommodation and childcare.
Note - all prices stated above are in New Zealand Dollars.
Speaker Profiles
Keynote Speaker: Professor John Wyatt
John Wyatt is a doctor, author, speaker and research scientist engaged in addressing the new ethical, philosophical and theological challenges caused by rapid advances in medical science and technology. He is also fascinated by the issues raised by rapid advances in AI and robotics, and the interface between cutting-edge science and Christian faith.
His background is as a consultant neonatologist and academic researcher focussing on the mechanisms, treatment and prevention of brain damage in newborn infants. He worked as a paediatrician specialising in the care of newborn babies at a leading neonatal intensive care unit for more than 25 years. Through his clinical experience he became increasingly aware of the ethical maelstrom caused by advancing technology and contentious debates about the nature of humanity at the beginning and end of life.
His academic title is Emeritus Professor of Neonatal Paediatrics, Ethics and Perinatology at University College London. He is also a senior researcher at the Faraday Institute for Science and Religion, Cambridge.
He is the author of Matters of Life Death, Right To Die? and Dying Well.
Dr Peter Saunders - Chief Executive Officer of ICMDA
Peter Saunders MA MBChB FRACS is the Chief Executive of the International Christian Medical and Dental Association (ICMDA) which aims to see a Christian witness established through doctors and dentists in every community of every nation.
Born in New Zealand and originally trained as a General Surgeon, he served with the Africa Inland Mission at Kapsowar Hospital in Kenya and then completed two years mission training at All Nations Christian College in the UK.
From 1992-2019 he served full-time with Christian Medical Fellowship (CMF), a UK-based organisation with 4,500 UK doctors and 1,000 medical students as members, first as Head of Student Ministries and from 1999 as Chief Executive, until being appointed as ICMDA CEO in 2019.
He was the campaign director for the Care Not Killing Alliance for 13 years and is currently a council member of the Evangelical Alliance and the chair of the End of Life Care for Europe group.
He and his wife Kirsty, a community paediatrician, live in St Albans, UK and they have three sons and one grandson.
Hedwin Kadrianto - Associate Executive Officer of ICMDA for South East Asia and Oceania
Hedwin is an Indonesian dentist with postgraduate study in Oral Medicine. He was born again in 2007, and since then has been involved in local and national student ministry through the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students (IFES) and the Christian Medical and Dental Fellowship of Indonesia (CMDFI). In October 2016, he was appointed as an Assistant Executive Officer for ICMDA’s South East Asia student and junior graduate ministry; this was expanded to cover the Oceania region starting in 2020.
He has a particular interest in giving dental treatments for people with HIV, as well as promoting equality of dental treatment access for people with HIV in Indonesia. He is married to Ruth, a GP, and they have one son.
Seminar information coming soon!
Stay tuned...
Where is the conference happening?
Reflect 2020 is taking place at Keswick Christian Camp, which is located in Holdens Bay, a short walk from the shores of beautiful Lake Rotorua.
Keswick is situated on 6 acres of grounds and has a large well-equipped auditorium seating up to 400 people, and accommodation for up to 250.
Keen to know more? Have a look here!
How do I get there?
Keswick Christian Camp is a 10 minute drive from the centre of Rotorua and is only 3km from Rotorua Airport. To book a shuttle from Rotorua Airport visit the Supershuttle website.
What time should I arrive?
You'll want to arrive in plenty of time to register, find your room and have a cuppa before Reflect begins at 7pm on Friday 15 May. Registrations open from 5pm.
If you're taking part in Saline Process Training, you'll want to arrive by 8.30am, and if you're joining the Oceania Gathering, which starts at 2pm, you are welcome to join us for lunch at 1pm.
The conference finishes at 1pm on Sunday 17 May.
I'm a student! Is there any financial assistance available?
We believe Reflect 2020 will be a life-changing opportunity for students, so we have heavily subsidised student registration fees to enable more medical students such as yourself to attend conference. CMFnz Student Members are entitled to a travel subsidy to help them get to Rotorua. Please contact [email protected] for a travel subsidy application form, and for more information, and click here to sign up to CMFnz Student Membership.
What meals are included?
If you register as a day visitor only, lunch and morning/afternoon teas are provided for you.
For our full-conference delegates, the following meals are provided, along with morning/afternoon tea:
- Saturday: Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner with Dessert
- Sunday: Breakfast, Lunch
Please note Friday dinner is not provided.
Are dietary requirements catered for?
Absolutely! Keswick can cater for special dietary requirements. Please tell us what you need on the registration form.
What sort of accommodation can I expect?
Accommodation at conference is in shared bunk rooms, with a fitted sheet, pillow and pillow slip provided for you. You just need to bring your own sleeping bag/duvet and towel with you.
If you'd prefer, you can choose 'linen' as an extra on the conference registration form for $22.75, and Keswick will provide full bedding and a towel for you.
Can I be in a room with my friend or spouse?
We will do our best to accommodate couples together, but depending on registration numbers, it may not be possible. If there is someone that you would like to share a room with, please contact us at [email protected] to let us know, and we'll do what we can. Note that we'll endeavour to place students together, and will tend to place you with people from your region.
Can I make my own accommodation arrangements?
When registering for conference, you can choose whether or not you want us to provide accommodation for you at Keswick. If you'd prefer, you can make your own accommodation arrangements. There are options available nearby in Holdens Bay, or in central Rotorua.
Are children welcome? How can I register my kids, and is any childcare available?
You are more than welcome to bring your whole family with you. Please contact [email protected] with the ages of your children, and whether you are planning to attend as a day visitor or for the whole weekend. We'll be in touch with you to let you know what registration for your family will cost.
Childcare will be available on the Saturday only. Please let us know if you would like to make use of this service.
Can I claim CME points as a GP for Reflect 2020?
Our conference is not endorsed by the RNZCGP this year due to the fee now charged for this endorsement. But you may be able to claim MOPS points by recording relevant sessions under the CME section - Individually Planned Learning Activities if they fit with your Professional Development Plan.
Who do I contact if I have more questions?
For questions about registrations and payments, please contact [email protected].
For any other questions about conference you can reach us at [email protected].