Conference 2015 Programme

Student Preconference

Thursday 27th August

17:00 - Registration Opens for Student Preconference
18:00 - Dinner
19:30 - Welcome & Dr Christine Rawlings Life after Med School - stepping out from the classroom to the clinic
20:30 - Prayer
21:00 - Supper & Free Time

Friday 28th August

08:00 - Prayer
08:30 - Breakfast
09:30 - Worship
09:45 - Chris Clarke Medicine and Leadership – what does the future hold?
10:45 - Morning tea
11:30 - Chris Clarke What sustains the leader – triumphs, trials and tantrums?
12:30 - Lunch
13:45 - Dr Peter Saunders Sharing our faith
14:30 - Team Building Activity
15:30 - Afternoon Tea
16:15 - Medical Electives - Johannes Balzer (Interserve) & Dr Bethany Windsor

Main Conference

Friday 28th August

17:00 - Registration Opens for Main Conference
18:30 - Dinner
19:30 - Welcome & Introduction
20:00 - Dr Peter Saunders Daring to be different
21:00 - Supper

Friday's programme is approved for 1.0 credits CME by RNZCGP

Saturday 29th August

07:30 - Prayer
08:00 - Breakfast
09:00 - Worship
09:20 - Rev Carolyn Kelly-Johnston - Devotional message
10:00 - Dr Peter Saunders Engaging with society
10:45 - Morning tea
11:30 - Update from CMF student groups at Universities of Otago and Auckland
12:00 - Seminar 1
13:00 - Lunch
14:00 - Anthony Hill Flourishing the city
15:00 - Afternoon Tea & Free Time
16:30 - Seminar 2
17:30 - CMF New Zealand Annual General Metting
18:30 - Dinner
19:30 - Worship
20:00 - Dr Peter Saunders Counting the cost
21:00 - Supper & Quiz Night

Saturday's programme is approved for 5.0 credits CME by RNZCGP

Sunday 30th August

07:45 - Prayer
08:30 - Breakfast
09:30 - Worship
09:45 - Dr Peter Saunders The Secret of Success
10:30 - Time of Reflection, Prayer & Integration
10:45 - Morning tea
11:30 - Communion – Rev Carolyn Kelly-Johnston
13:00 - Lunch
14:00 - Conference Closes

Sunday's programme is approved for 0.75 credits CME by RNZCGP

Conference Theme

Dr Peter Saunders will be speaking on the conference theme “Serving in Babylon – Christian doctors in a secular society”. He writes:

When Jerusalem fell to the Babylonians in 587 BC the nation of Judah was taken to Babylon in an exile that would last 70 years. As God’s people in a foreign land that was hostile to their faith and values they faced the challenge of living and serving as ‘aliens and strangers’.

There was great pressure to close ranks or to forget who they were. The temptation was either to retreat into their escapist spiritual ghettos or simply to compromise and become no different from those around them.

But the prophet Jeremiah instead urged the exiles, who included Daniel and his friends, to become fully engaged with their new society, whilst maintaining their distinctiveness as believers faithful to God – to be truly ‘in the world’ but not ‘of the world’.

Christian doctors and medical students living in New Zealand today face similar challenges. This conference will explore these themes practically and encourage you to be fruitful yet distinctive as you serve God in medicine.


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