National Conference 2017

Beside Still Waters Cover

Thank you to everyone who participated in our 2017 conference entitled Beside Still Waters in Queenstown in May.  

Scroll down to see:

  • A summary of the event by Sarah Masterton
  • Testimonials of attendees from 'across the ditch'
  • Links to recorded talks from the event
  • Photos from the conference

Summary of the event

By Sarah Masterton (Chair of the National Conference team 2017):

The Christian Medical Fellowship of New Zealand's annual national conference was held in Queenstown besides the still waters of Lake Wanaka from 18 through 21 May 2017. It provided a marvellous opportunity to "Reflect, Rejoice and Refresh."

We welcomed 142 delegates from around New Zealand, the Pacific (including Australia), and even some "kiwis" who are based overseas. Indeed, it was wonderful to see medical students, junior doctors, consultants, nurses, other allied health staff (including hospital chaplains), spouses and their families come together, encourage and inspire one another.

The student pre-conference and Saline course preceded the main conference and were very well received. They provided an opportunity for students and graduates to learn more about how they can integrate faith into practice.

The main conference included fabulous keynote speakers, Judge Andrew Becroft (New Zealand's Children's Commissioner and previous Principle Youth Court Judge), Dr Steve Tripp (missionary, activist and medical teaching fellow), Dr Steve Withington (doctor, pastor and missionary), and Chaplain Di Woods (Royal New Zealand Airforce chaplain). They shared their thoughts about reflecting, rejoicing and refreshing, and in doing so addressed issues such as, finding God in the workplace and dualism, serving in a pluralistic society, using the Sabbath as refreshment and resistance, making change and taking time to reflect. Worship, stimulating small group seminars and sessions, group activities, and free-time helped to fill in the rest of the weekend; and we were even treated to a surprise snowfall on Saturday morning.
Thank you to God and to everyone who helped to make this weekend possible!!

Testimonials from 'across the ditch'

Rob Chan, Tim Lee and Andrew Wilson, a delegation of Victorian medical students, represented CMDFA (Christian Medical & Dental Fellowship of Australia) at the CMFNZ conference in Queenstown.

"Over the course of 5 days, we experienced excellent Kiwi hospitality and grew closer to God through a series of talks and fellowship with other believers while enjoying his beautiful creation."

They have each written about their experiences and shared a few photos on the CMDFA website.

Podcast Recordings

Beside Still Waters hosted many amazing speakers.  Our keynote speakers included Judge Andrew Becroft, Chaplain Di Woods, Dr Steve Tripp, and Dr Steve Withington.

Keynote Speakers

High quality recordings of keynote sessions are available for all of our members to listen to at their leisure, and can be streamed online or downloaded to your device.

Keynote Speaker Podcasts


Click on any thumbnail to view the full-size photo on our Facebook page, where you can also like or leave a comment. 


Do you have any photos from conference we could add to this album?  
Please email them to [email protected] 




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