Annual National Conference
The Christian Medical Fellowship of New Zealand Inc holds a national conference each year and for many, this is a highlight of the year with the opportunity to catch up with friends and colleagues away from the work environment and to reflect on their faith in their practice, and to refresh themselves through fellowship and worship.
We welcome delegates from around New Zealand, the Pacific (including Australia), and even some “kiwis” who are based overseas. It is wonderful to see medical students, junior doctors, consultants, nurses, other allied health staff (including hospital chaplains), spouses and their families come together, to encourage and inspire one another.
The medical student sessions, and the Saline Process Witness Training usually offered as a workshop prior to the main conference, are very well received and provide an opportunity for students and graduates to learn more about how they can integrate faith into practice.
The main conference always includes fabulous keynote speakers, and a devotional speaker to lead all in worship together and thought provoking bible studies. Addressing such issues such as, finding God in the workplace and dualism, serving in a pluralistic society, using the Sabbath as refreshment and resistance, making change and taking time to reflect. Worship, stimulating small group seminars and sessions, group activities, and free-time helps to fill in the rest of the weekend.
This year’s conference is 2019 Reflect: Medicine Outside The Box to be held in Dunedin 17 – 19 May 2019 and registrations are open now!
For more information please see:
To register go to:
Membership Directory
This year we have developed a membership directory for the first time to enable CMFnz members to connect within their own regions, as well as have contacts in other locations. We have identified Regional Contact people to assist if moving into a locality for the first time, Regional Hosts who will set up gatherings of local members, Senior Support Doctors who are willing to act a sounding boards and as informal mentors to discuss issues, Hospital Cluster Support Doctors who are willing to set up meetings and be available for students on placement in hospitals and junior doctors to touch base with, and identified the National Board Members so they can be contacted with feedback and discussion.
To continue supporting new graduate doctors in their faith during the transition from study to work, CMF needs financial support. If you would like to support CMFnz as a regular giver or to offer a one-off donation please follow this link: