Preparing for a career taking care of people takes years of study and a commitment to the people God calls you to serve.
We can help you navigate through student life and find out how God is calling you to get ready for service as a medical practitioner.
Declaration of Membership
I declare my faith in God the Father, and in God the Son the Lord Jesus Christ who is my Saviour. I desire to be ruled by God the Holy Spirit in accordance with the Bible, the divinely appointed authority in matters of life and faith.
It's free!
Student membership is totally free for New Zealand medical students and entitles you to the following benefits:
- Discounted conference prices
- Eligibility for the Tuakana mentoring programme
- Eligibility to apply for student grants towards the cost of attending CMF related conferences in New Zealand and overseas
You just get to sign up, right now, for nothing.
Not a medical student?
If you're not a student from Auckland or Otago medical school, take a look at one of our other memberships.
Check out full membership for doctors.
Check out associate membership for everyone.