Full Membership For New Doctors

How about membership for free?

If you're just getting started practising (PGY1 & 2), it doesn't hurt to get a little extra help. That's why we offer full membership to PGY1 & 2 doctors without the usual membership fee. We encourage PGY2 doctors to make a koha/donation as or when you're able, to support the work of CMFnz. 

Your Fellowship

Full membership is open to New Zealand doctors. Full members are entitled to a 10% discount on their annual National Conference registration.

All members receive CMFnz's Membership Directory which is published annually, and all members' contact details (name, email, phone, city and role/occupation) are published in the directory unless a request is made to opt out. See www.cmf.nz/privacy for more information, or contact [email protected] to opt out from being included in the directory.

Declaration of Membership

Members should be able to agree to the following declaration of membership:

I declare faith in God the Father, and in God the Son the Lord Jesus Christ who is my Saviour. I desire to be ruled by God the Holy Spirit in accordance with the Bible, the divinely appointed authority in matters of life and faith.

You just get to sign up, right now, for nothing.

Not a New Zealand doctor?

If this isn't for you, you might like to look at one of our other memberships.

Check out student membership for New Zealand medical students.

Check out associate membership for everyone.


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