AGM Board Report to CMF members
28 July 2015, Helen Saunders.
1. The big picture for CMF NZ
Vision- vivid description of where we are aiming
Christian doctors and medical students living wholeheartedly for Christ
Purpose– the why
To positively impact healthcare in New Zealand and overseas
Values –important core beliefs
Servant hearted
Friendly / inclusive
Goals- calls to action
To grow a network of New Zealand based Christian doctors and medical students who can work together to encourage and deepen our Christian faith and integrate it with our medical life.
To support Christian doctors and medical students to be global citizens and support the work of medical missionaries.
To encourage Christian doctors and medical students to share their faith and bring others to a personal faith in Christ.
To be a national Christian voice on medical and ethical issues
To operate with a financial plan that encourages creative growth, fairness and good stewardship.
Strategies– how we achieve the above goals.
2. CMF Board
Melanie Cameron, Matthew Kehoe, Andrew Germann, Philip Pattemore, Helen Saunders, Rosalie Evans & Fraser Hodgson (National Director).
Met 8 times including 4 face to face meetings
Productive and committed board – with specific operational functions at times as well as its governance role. All board members will continue to serve for a further year. But in 2016 at least 2 people will be standing down after 6+ years of service.
3. National Director
Appointment of Fraser Hodgson 1 day a week has been a real boost to CMF. He is a skilled networker and has contributed to regional groups starting up and has spoken at a number of these, student mentoring, the conference planning and profiling CMF in variety of situations –like radio and medical conferences.
4. Student work
The work with 2nd/3rd year medical students is student lead with the generous help of TSCF staff workers Robyn Drake in Auckland and James Allaway in Otago. The groups have active Facebook pages and a number of activities.
Some of the older students have joined with graduate doctors in a mentoring relationship in Auckland, Waikato and Whangarei. We see a need for a young graduate to help in the work with the 4th/5th/6th year students and junior doctors, interested?
5. Care Alliance and the physician assisted suicide debate
Andrew Germann, based in Wellington, has been our operational person in this matter. CMF NZ is part of Care Alliance working to inform the public, courts and government about the negative societal effects of introducing a Physician-assisted Suicide Bill. We will update you about this at the AGM.
If any people are keen to help please let us know.
6. Saline Solution International
Glennis Mafi, the Oceania ICMDA Chair, has given her time to run Saline Solution courses – these are interactive trainings that discuss ways to integrate your faith to your practice including taking a spiritual history and sharing your faith in Christ. Four courses have been held in NZ in the last year (Dunedin, Hamilton, Whangarei and Auckland) and one in Fiji. Glennis is soon to go to Papua New Guinea to run a number of courses.
6. Infrastructure work
Move to put all CMF working documents on SharePoint has increased the ability for the Board to work on and share information. In addition we have moved the website to a platform called Nation Builder with the aim to get better data management, this is a work in progress. We would love any articles on regional meetings, electives, student activities! We have worked on branding and hope to get a contractor to help us in this area especially around our message and logo. We have started to use Facebook more and thank those on the Board and other interested people who have contributed to this. We hope to find a person to assist with communications especially website content and social media if we can find the right person and have the funds to support this.
7. National Conferences – why in the North Island again?
This year’s conference is in Rotorua as we had people able to coordinate the event in the area. Rosalie Evans and her team in Rotorua and beyond have worked hard to get this conference organised, many thanks.
2016 National Conference will be 4-8 August 2016 at Willow Park, Auckland.
To our South Island friends – I owe you an explanation for the North Island predominance of the last 3 conferences! Next year it is combined ICMDA Oceania and CMF NZ conference and as we hope to have a number of our colleagues in Fiji, Papua New Guinea and other Pacific nations it is much more accessible financially to position it in Auckland.
We aim to be southward bound in 2017, Christchurch or Dunedin?
8. Unsung heroes
Many thanks to Raewyn Taylor who has helped in myriad of ways with the administrative tasks. Thanks to those of you who have paid your subs on time – as we would like these to be paid 1 April each year – ideally by an automatic payment – to reduce the admin work. There has been an increase in donations to both the General and National Director Funds and we are grateful for this, thank you.