International Christian Medical and Dental Association
We are a member organisation of the ICMDA, an international group of Christian doctors, dentists and other health professionals. We encourage and support doctors and medical students here in New Zealand and join with others in supporting those overseas. There are many doctors and medical students around the world who are seeking to serve Christ through medicine. We remember each other in prayer.
CMFnz also has strong links with several other ICMDA-affiliated organisations, particularly the Christian Medical and Dental Fellowship of Australia (CMDFA), UK's Christian Medical Fellowship (CMF), and the USA's Christian Medical and Dental Associations (CMDA).
Nurses Christian Fellowship New Zealand
We work closely with our colleagues in NCFNZ to support each other through a variety of events and collaborations.
Tertiary Students Christian Fellowship
is a major supporter of CMFnz, and we have long had a strong partnership with them. TSCF staffworkers in Auckland and Dunedin support medical student groups in their city, and we are grateful to them for their encouragement and discipling of 2nd and 3rd year medical students.The Care Alliance
is a broad coalition assembled to promote better end of life care, and to oppose euthanasia and assisted suicide. The Alliance was formally established in 2012 to oppose moves to decriminalise euthanasia, and includes organisations from across the health, medical, youth, disability, elderly, youth and faith sectors. They are a united voice against the euthanasia and the serious public safety issues it raises for vulnerable New Zealanders and their families. CMFnz is a member organisation of Care Alliance.We are also building links with a number of Christian mission organisations. A few of these are groups are represented at our annual national conferences.