Endowment Fund

Make a donation - Leave a gift in your will - Provide a lasting legacy

Sow into God's work in the New Zealand medical community for the future by giving to CMFnz's endowment fund. This fund exists to provide an income stream for CMFnz and its ministries for generations to come.

Doctors and medical students living wholeheartedly for Christ

The Christian Medical Fellowship of New Zealand Incorporated is a community of Christian doctors, medical students and supporters, seeking to live wholeheartedly for Christ in all areas of their lives. CMFnz provides regional support and fellowship groups, national training initiatives, mentoring and support for students and the university Christian medical student groups, undertaking advocacy initiatives and encouraging medicine as mission, in New Zealand and overseas.

The Endowment Fund

Bequests to CMFnz are invested in CMFnz's endowment fund, ensuring that income generated from your gift will support CMFnz’s work for future generations of Christian medical practitioners and medical students.  The endowment fund is not a separate legal entity but a CMFnz asset dedicated to supporting the long-term financial wellbeing of the organisation.  The fund is governed by rules that ensure it serves the long-term sustainability of CMFnz’s work (available on request). 

The fund capital is invested and only income is used for day-to-day operational expenditure.  Through bequests and one-off gifts, supporters of CMFnz are able to contribute to this capital asset.  

What your gift can do

 Support and disciple medical students in their professional and faith journeys, through strengthening the work of the University Christian groups, mentoring initiatives, and providing grants

 Resource advocacy initiatives, bringing a clear and effective Christian voice on issues relating to medicine into the public sphere

 Develop our work training medical students and doctors in Christian faith and expression through our annual Reflect conference and Saline training courses

 Strengthen the CMFnz community on a national and regional level

 Provide ongoing operational support to CMFnz

How you can donate

Make a payment via internet banking into the CMFnz Westpac endowment fund account: 
Any donation intended for the endowment fund should be clearly identified as such. Please email [email protected] with your name and donation details so that a receipt can be issued to you for tax rebate purposes. 

Note, ordinary donations intended to support operational expenditure should be paid into the CMFnz general fund which is distinct from the endowment fund (click here for details)

Bequests and Wills

A bequest is a gift made in a last will and testament. After you have provided for your family and friends, we invite you to consider leaving a bequest to enable CMFnz to continue to grow its work amongst Christian medical students and doctors in New Zealand. 

How to leave a bequest
We recommend that you contact your solicitor, accountant or financial advisor for professional advice on making or changing your will. 

Recommended wording
We suggest that you add the following wording to your will:

I give to the Christian Medical Fellowship of New Zealand Incorporated 03-0883-0189563-000 the sum of $_______ (or _____________% of my residuary estate) to be applied for its charitable purposes. I declare the receipt of the Secretary or other officer will be sufficient discharge to my Executors who will not be bound to the see the application of this gift.  

We'd love to hear from you!

We value those who give generously, participate, support and pray for the work of CMFnz in many different ways. If you have donated to the endowment fund or established a bequest in your will we thank God for this invaluable gift.

Please email us at [email protected] - we would love to be in touch with you.


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