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4-8 August 2016Willow Park, Auckland |
Thank-you to everyone who participated in what was a wonderful conference!
Scroll down to see:
- A summary of the event by Hannah Coombridge
- Photos from the conference
- Links to recorded talks from the event
- Karakia & Waiata from Val Goold
Hannah Coombridge has summed up the event
"The 1st Oceania Regional Conference held in New Zealand on August 4th-8th 2016 was hosted by CMFNZ and ICMDA Oceania. It was well attended with 200 delegates gathering in Auckland from around Australia and the Pacific region to learn from, encourage, and challenge one another about what it means to be ‘On The Way’ for Christ.
A Saline Process course was held as a pre-conference led by Dr Gάbor Gyõri from Hungary and our own Dr Glennis Mafi and RN Luke Stevenson. This thought-provoking course explores how to be a witness of Jesus Christ in our healthcare workplaces leaving participating delegates eager to implement the helpful, honest, and practical ways in which they can better serve God daily in their practice. The students also had a pre-conference event with time to hear from speakers and get to know one another.
During the main conference we heard from Dr N about her passion for serving and empowering the marginalised in our local and global societies which was both a challenge and an inspiration to many. Our other keynote speaker, Dr Gάbor Gyõri, spoke about the calling to be salt and light in this world and putting our roots firmly in Christ. Though familiar passages, many delegates remarked on the simple yet powerful and insightful exploration of these ideas through ‘thought-provoking metaphors which helped to create a visual image of the potential effects of dwindling Christian medical health professionals’.
With fantastic key-note speakers, rousing devotional times led by Val Goold from the book of Philippians and a plethora of seminars which left most wishing they could be in multiple places at once, it is suffice to say it was a wonderful weekend. There was a very special celebration of our own Maori culture as well as a strong Pacific flavour which highlighted our interconnectedness both within New Zealand, and with our Pacific neighbours.
Overall, conference was a much appreciated opportunity to meet in fellowship with brothers and sisters in Christ from different walks of life who are all striving towards the same goal. May we continue to spur one another on as we seek to live a life worthy of the calling the LORD has placed upon us; His children."
We've received some lovely feedback:
- 'A highlight of my year!'
- 'Very glad I went this year, and sad we didn't encourage more friends to come.'
- 'Thank you so much to the organisers for the tremendous effort!! I want to emphasise that overall this conference was excellent and that it was a privilege to have visiting speakers share with us.'
- 'Was a very powerful and spiritually reflective time for me. Has renewed my desire to seek God more fully in my work incl. being salt & light in my work.'
- 'All in all, it was my first CMF conference, and I loved it SOOOO much! Am truly grateful to God for leading me there, the messages I've heard and the relationships I've formed (even with the brothers and sisters from abroad) has given me so much joy! I look forward for the next.'
- 'Thoroughly enjoyed - great spectrum covered in seminars, also overall powerful messages shared by keynotes and a great venue! Very blessed from this experience.'
Click on any thumbnail to view the full-size photo on our Facebook page, where you can also like or leave a comment.
Do you have any photos from conference we could add to this album?
Please email them to [email protected]
Click on any of the following recordings to download the MP3 file (~50mb each).
The quality of the recordings is variable, we hope you can still benefit from them!
Prof John Whitehall opening address
Gάbor Gyõri > Keynote session 2 > Salt & Light - Being a Witness
Gάbor Gyõri > Keynote session 4 > God's plan with us - Afforestation
Val Goold > Teaching from Philippians > On The Way with Jesus
Val Goold > Teaching from Philippians > On The Way... Where?
Val Goold > Teaching from Philippians > On The Way with Others
Panel discussion - Opportunities & Challenges
Student Preconference > Rosalie Evans - Missions
Student Preconference > Philip Pattermore - Failed Missionary
Thanks once again to our amazing range of speakers, including those not listed here!
Having trouble listening to the talks? Try this link to listen to the talks on archive.com and for more downloading options!
Nga Karakia me Nga Waiata
Karakia Timatanga
E te atua | Oh Lord |
Homai ki a matou | Give to us |
Tou maramatanga | Your wisdom |
Tou rangimarie | Your peace |
Tou kaha | Your strength |
Me tou aroha | And your love |
Mo tenei ra | For this day |
Ake, ake, ake, amine | Forever, amen |
Wairua Tapu kuhu mai | Holy Spirit welcome |
Nau mai ki konei | You are welcome here |
Wairua Tapu arahia | Guide us Holy Spirit |
Korero mai ano | Speak to us again |
Karakia Whakamutunga (2 Corinthians 13:14)
Kia tau, ki a tatou katoa | For us all |
Te atawhai o to tatou ariki a ihu karaiti | The grace of our Lord |
Me te aroha o te atua | And the love of God |
Me te whwhinga kotahitanga ki te wairua tapu | And fellowship in the Holy Spirit |
Ake, ake, ake, Amine | Forever and ever, Amen |
Whakaria Mai Waiata (To the tune of How Great Thou Art)
Whakaria mai | Reveal, show |
Tou Ripeka ki au | Your cross to me |
Tiaho mai ra roto i te po | Let it shine in the darkness |
Hei kona au titiro atu ai | To it I will be looking |
Ora, Mate hei au koe noho ai | In life, in death, I will rest in you |
Whakatauki (Proverb)
Aroha mai | Love received |
Aroha atu | Love given away |